author = {B{\"u}ttner, Benjamin and Martin, Sonja and Finck, Anja and Arelin, Maria and Baade-B{\"u}ttner, Carolin and Bartolomaeus, Tobias and Bauer, Peter and Bertsche, Astrid and Bernhard, Matthias K. and Biskup, Saskia and Donato, Nataliya Di and Elgizouli, Magdeldin and Ewald, Roland and Heine, Constanze and Hellenbroich, Yorck and Hentschel, Julia and Hoffjan, Sabine and Horn, Susanne and Hornemann, Frauke and Huhle, Dagmar and Kamphausen, Susanne B. and Kiess, Wieland and Krey, Ilona and Kuechler, Alma and Liesfeld, Ben and Merkenschlager, Andreas and Mitter, Diana and Muschke, Petra and Pf{\"a}ffle, Roland and Polster, Tilman and Schanze, Ina and Schlump, Jan-Ulrich and Syrbe, Steffen and Wieczorek, Dagmar and Zenker, Martin and Lemke, Johannes R. and Duc, Diana Le and Platzer, Konrad and Jamra, Rami Abou},
title = {Scientific evaluation of negative exome sequencing followed by systematic scoring of candidate genes to decipher the genetics of neurodevelopmental disorders},
year = {2019},
doi = {10.1101/588517},
publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
URL = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2019/03/26/588517},
eprint = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2019/03/26/588517.full.pdf},
journal = {bioRxiv}